Tuesday, November 29, 2011

SolarWinds - too fast!

Hi, dear friends!

Some time ago I thought that it's specific property of huge corporations to be a slow and reactive...unfortunately this pattern also could be applicable for not so big companies (of course - not so small also). I'm talking about SolarWinds company - well known producer of cool monitoring stuff (and that's true - they do really cool tools and they really care about IT people!).
So I've found ridiculous forum thread which started in 2004, continues in 2009 and finally done in 2011...this thread is about external API for SolarWinds Orion. Some guy asked for it and realized that there was no API or SDK in 2004...another guy asked about it in 2009 again with high hopes "...This post is over 5 years old, so I guess I'll ask the question..." Ho-ho-ho! So optimistic! NOOOOO! They had no it in 2009...
SolarWinds must say their customers really big thanks for patience because they released SDK only now!

You can find this really-wanted SDK at http://thwack.solarwinds.com/forums/6/solarwinds-community/216/orion-sdk/29001/orion-sdk-information/

And you can read that sad forum thread there: http://thwack.solarwinds.com/forums/48/network-management/9/orion-network-performance-monitor/386/solarwinds-api/

Thank you, guys!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Manageability resources

Hi, dear friends!

I want to share with you rather interesting link to another manageability-related resource where you can find some presentations regarding technical and budiness sides of mnageability. For me it was very useful because it's given me more information to prepare very nice presentations on TechEd Russia.
Yes...I know - that site is russian only and it's rather confusing to refer it from this blog...but in fact TechEd Russia is a local conference like other local TechEd's (e.g. TechEd Europe or Africa...).
And very good news about TechEd - now you can see some of recorded presentations on TechDays site. I hope that you can see ALL presenations from all tracks there soon!
Please pay attention to my favorite presentation - it's from security track...this is a case when nice lady talk about security and 150 hardcore admins listen and applause! So - look, listen and applause - Paula Januszkiewicz and "Ten deadly sins of Administrators"!